Friday, November 27, 2009

Do women judge men by the lenght of thier hair?

Mine is short cuz combs get lost on me.I always prefer short hair Better job opputunities

Do women judge men by the lenght of thier hair?

My friends and I like guys with short hair we call them real men not as whom trying to make a girl like him or be the real girl. You look nice with short hair ,dont be as girls please.

Do women judge men by the lenght of thier hair?


Do women judge men by the lenght of thier hair?

not this one! personally the clean cut look looks best on most men anyway.... shows they care about their appearance and aren't 'hiding' behind their du!

Do women judge men by the lenght of thier hair?

i wouldn't really judge by the length of their hair, more by the quality of it. if it's really greasy, stringy, and gross looking i would definitely not want to be around that guy.

Do women judge men by the lenght of thier hair?

yes, women judge men by appearance, hair has to look well-kept. If it looks like the guy ignores it, the girl won't like it. If it's short to the point of can't do anything with it, they know he at least has to get it cut frequently.

Do women judge men by the lenght of thier hair?

not usually unless they have really long hair(to their shoulders). that just looks bad. I personally like hair that is a bit long, not brush cut though

Do women judge men by the lenght of thier hair?

It depends on the guy. There are men who look great with long hair (shoulder length), there are others who look slopy. But I think in general they look better with short hair and you are right about the job thing.

Do women judge men by the lenght of thier hair?

No, I don't.

Do women judge men by the lenght of thier hair?

not solely. ponytails are never good though

Do women judge men by the lenght of thier hair?

Some do. How tall you are is much more important for them, though.

Do women judge men by the lenght of thier hair?

Some do. Some don't. I like floppy longish hair the best cute!

Do women judge men by the lenght of thier hair?

Yes. Hair says a lot about a person.

Men with short hair come across as more responsible and more mature.

I am never attracted to men with long hair, at all. A short, conservative style is SEXY.

Do women judge men by the lenght of thier hair?

I date mainly guys that are bald. or ones that have shaved their heads bald.

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